June 2022
The Opinion Monitor for Development Policy 2022 covers two main topic areas. The first part investigates central public attitudes towards development policy. For example, it looks into general support for official development cooperation (DC), attitudes towards various motives for DC and how people assess its effectiveness. It pays particular attention to attitudes regarding democracy and promotion of democracy. The second part focuses on development engagement. This includes non-monetary engagement such as activities related to information and communication, organisation-based engagement and political participation, as well as monetary engagement such as donations to development policy organisations and sustainable consumption. A guest contribution supplements the second part, creating a typology based on the various forms of engagement and analysing factors that influence shifts between engagement types over the course of time. Both parts present the indicators for attitudes and engagement (longitudinal study) and investigate differences between different population groups. Finally, the report provides implications for governmental and civil-society development policy actors regarding strategy, communication and education and for promoting development engagement.